Fé's boss fight: collapsing the pillars she creates late in the fight will result in her being hit by falling debris.Boss-Arena Idiocy: Downplayed with some bosses while their arenas offer opportunities to damage them, it's not necessary to exploit them to win.Better to Die than Be Killed: Kaunan impales himself after your final blow.Fortunately, the gods are willing to give Thora another chance to prove her worth. Barred from the Afterlife: Thora died at sea, a death that lacks the valor needed to enter Valhalla.Badass Cape: Thora's fur coat, which billows behind her as she sprints to the next challenge.An achievement is unlocked for defeating her exclusively with this tactic. As she's winding up, prepare a Charged Attack, and you can knock it back at her for damage. Get far enough away from Fé and she will throw her shield at you.Large dwarves will throw their hammers at Thora, but a swipe with her axe will send it back.Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: All of the Jotun qualify, but Jormungandr easily eclipses all of them in size.Hitting it will do more damage than not, but this weakness doesn't need to be exploited to win the fight. Some of the Jotun will be stunned after taking enough damage, exposing a weak point. The arena itself has a valknut engraved in the floor, and when Thora defeats him the gateway to Valhalla is formed by beams of light in a valknut shape. After defeating the Jotun and proving her valor, the silhouette is filled and becomes a gateway to Odin's arena. Arc Symbol: The Valknut, a symbol associated with Odin and the valiant dead, appears in the main menu and the loading screens, and its silhouette can be seen in the center of Ginnungagap, its emptiness reflective of Thora's inglorious demise.
For example, the Nature region will show the player that blue flowers will protect Thora from the poisonous gas of the grey ones, so when Jera uses a similar poison cloud, the player will know just how to avoid it.
An Updated Re-release, Valhalla Edition, was released on the PC as well as the Playstation 4, Xbox One and Wii U in Summer 2016 note Those who already owned the game on PC received Valhalla Edition as a free download. The game was developed by Thunder Lotus Games, crowdfunded on Kickstarter, and released on PC in September of 2015. It also boasts hand-drawn, frame-by-frame animations and environments. The game is heavily rooted in Norse Mythology, featuring many of its settings and characters. Jotun tells the story of Thora, a Viking warrior who dies an inglorious death and must journey through the divine realms and fight the great Jotun to prove she is worthy to enter Valhalla.